Free Golf Handicap Calculator

Many of you have asked about the free golf handicap calculator here at My Online Golf Club and how to use it. In order to use our free golf handicap calculator all you need to do is complete 3 scorecards and then select them from the appropriate drop down boxes on the free golf handicap calculator page (click here). Your golf handicap is then calculated and displayed. It also shows the golf scores that you submitted and how they were adjusted to calculate your golf handicap. You can find more information in regards to golf handicaps here. Example free golf handicap calculator shown below.

Free Golf Handicap Calculator

Once you have calculated your golf handicap from your first 3 scorecards you can then auto adjust your handicap for each scorecard that you submit in the future by checking the 'Adjust My Handicap' checkbox when submitting a new scorecard. The site will then track all of your handicap changes for you whether you do it manually or automatically when you submit each new scorecard. You can then track your handicap using the handicap tracker page to see how it changes over a period of time. The tracking pages also indicate the score you need to shoot in order to reduce your handicap. Example tracking page shown below.

Free Golf Handicap Tracker

If you have any questions regarding handicap calculation or tracking your handicap, please do not hesitate to contact the Customer Care Team.